Fabian Schmidt, a luxury design label, provides avant-garde, expressive, minimalist, cozy, unique unisex fashion that is suitable for everyday use. Characteristics are the special comfortable fit and the unusual cuts. The target groups are self-confident, strong women and men who want to break free from the today’s society constraints.
But who is the man behind the brand?
Fabian Schmidt was born in 1988 in Saarbrücken, Germany. Fabian himself
was a prisoner of constraints, not only created by the society, but also
by him. He tried to adapt to what people expected from him and to
suppress who he really is. That is why he first studied law after his
Abitur, but he never felt fulfilled. He was missing something, but he
didn’t know what. He felt uncomfortable in his own skin and as a
consequence, he started hurting himself. A cry for help? But who can
help you out? In this situation, only you can help yourself.
What did he do?
He took a break and started thinking about who he is and what he expects from life. What he wants and what his goals are.
And he succeeded. He started to be true to himself. The turning point.
He came out, gave up his law studies and started something new : The
Design. He studied in Trier, Germany and did several internships, one
with Esther Perbandt in Berlin, Germany.
Even if being true to yourself is never easy, this is the best thing
that happened to him. He swims against all odds, but is happy with what
he is doing. Being happy has nothing to do with money. Being happy means
fulfillment, being with people you love, being you without being afraid
of what others may think. Fabian is released! And he wants to encourage
others to break free too and to show who they are.
So Fabian Schmidt does not only provide clothes, but an experience. The
brand connects different kind of people – artists, dancers, lawyers,
doctors, architects – who have one thing in common: they are
freethinkers. The clients are part and the ambassadors of the brand. To
strengthen this spirit Fabian Schmidt targets also business such as
dancing companies and theaters to cooperate with them.